The 3-year project of the Ladies Union of Drama – H.O.H ‘’ Mobile School Travels’’ has participated in the 7th Festival against School Violence, on the occasion of the International day against School Bullying.
On Thursday, March 3rd 2022, from 9:30 A.M, for 3 hours, the project team visited the 1st Primary School of Drama, in order to carry out a experiential action with the children of the 4th, 5th and 6th grade, at the invitation of the principal of the school, Mr. Alkiviadis Salpingtis.
The experiential action that took place was the role play in which a total of ninety children who participated, played students of two schools, one in which a friendly atmosphere prevails with characteristics of love and kindness and one in which the prevailing atmosphere is more unpleasant with its main characteristics being bullying and lack of respect for diversity. After the children were divided into two groups and each took a balloon in their hands, they were asked to write on it an emotion that evokes the current school environment in which they attend. “Love”, “joy”, “peace” were some of the emotions that were written on the balloons of the first group, while in the balloons of the second group emotions such as “anger”, “fear”, “despair” prevailed. As a symbolic gesture, the children of the first group gave their balloons to the children of the second and all together they drove the balloons with the unpleasant feelings away, dancing to the rhythm of the song “Mobile School is here for you”.
Finally, the 90 children who participated in the action, were invited to leave their own resounding message against school violence on the mobile school: “We say no to violence, yes to friendship”, “All together for a better world”, “We are all with you “,” No to war, yes to peace “, were some of them.
The action aimed to highlight the importance of friendship, love and respect for diversity and the role that the existence of a healthy social environment plays for the individual’s psychosynthesis and was crowned with absolute success.
The children who participated in the action had the opportunity to get to know the mobile school up close, to be informed about the project “The Mobile School Travels” and to receive printed material and stickers of the project.
After three years of interventions only within Drama, the Mobile School, from 2020 until today travels three times a week to areas of Drama, Kavala and Xanthi, in order to reach Roma children who are excluded for either social or family reasons from school communities and cannot have regular attendance.
The project “Mobile school travels” is implemented within the framework of the Active citizens fund program, with the implementing body the Union of Ladies of Drama – H.O.H
The Active citizens fund program, amounting to € 13.5 million, is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and is part of the European Economic Area (EEA) funding mechanism for the period 2014 – 2021, known as EEA Grants. The program aims to strengthen and enhance the sustainability of civil society and to highlight its role in promoting democratic processes, enhancing citizen participation in the community and defending human rights. The management of the Active citizens fund program in Greece has been jointly undertaken by the Bodosakis Foundation and SolidarityNow. Read more here: www.activecitizensfund.gr
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