The Project


Project Description

“The mobile school travels” project, with a duration of three years (March 2020-February 2023), aims at combating the dropout phenomenon which is observed in Roma children, as well as at combating child labor and illiteracy. The aim is to encourage and prepare children for their smooth integration into the school community and into society at large. Through street work, this action aims at the reintegration into schools, at educating and training children on personal hygiene issues, sex education etc., as well as at their psychological empowerment and at the identification of their talents.


Project Objective

The purpose of this project is tackling the dropout phenomenon, illiteracy, child labor and racism by smoothly integrating children into school and society. In order for this project’s objective to be achieved, the “mobile school” methodology empowers children’s self-esteem and motivates them for learning, so as to smoothly integrate into school communities, while through supplementary teaching it encourages children attending school to complete their studies. It also provides counseling to Roma parents, so as to encourage their children’s attendance at school through the development of a healthy family environment. Lastly, the project’s objective is to inform and raise awareness of society at large aiming at the reduction of racist tendencies and at the acceptance of diversity.


Target Groups

The project’s target group is the Roma population that resides and is located within the geographical limits of the Prefecture of Drama, Kavala and Xanthi, as well as of the East Macedonia and Thrace Region. As regards the age range of the target group, this project is addressed at children, adolescents and youth up to 25 years of age. The parents of the Roma children who wish to participate in these interventions are also considered as a target group. The parents of Roma children have the opportunity to take part in counseling, education and social protection (human rights) actions for the support of their children and their reintegration into schools. Moreover, within the framework of eliminating stereotypes, information and awareness-raising actions for the local communities of the Prefectures of Drama, Kavala and Xanthi on equality, equity and human rights are organized.



The impact of the project is the smooth integration of children, the social training on issues such as sex education, personal hygiene, human rights etc., as well as their integration into society. Lastly, one of the objectives is also ensuring a safe and supporting family environment for the children, which is accomplished through the empowerment of parents, by providing them counseling on education, labor and social protection issues.