The Ladies Union of Drama – House of Open Hospitality (HOH) and the Anemon Productions present “The Mobile School Travels”, a short documentary by Lucas Paleocrassas, which will be screened for the first time at the 26th Thessaloniki Documentary Festival.
In particular, the premiere of “The Mobile School Travels” will take place on Friday, March 8, 2024 at 5:30 P.M., in the Pavlos Zannas room at the Olympian Cinema.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/917023068
“The Mobile School Travels” was filmed during the educational project “Mobile School – Κινητό Σχολείο”, implemented within the framework of the Actives Citizens Fund program by the Ladies’ Union of Drama and took place in Drama, where children from the local community, Roma children living and working on the streets, as well as Ladies’ Union volunteers participated.
The “Mobile School” is a wheeled rectangular construction, consisting of educational panels (e.g. arithmetic, grammar, geography, etc.) and discussion panels (e.g. personal hygiene, diversity, school bullying, violence, etc.). The panels amount to a total of more than 350 and are rotated in each intervention.
The main goals of the “Mobile School – Κινητό Σχολείο” project are to eliminate school dropout and illiteracy, to encourage the participation of Roma children in educational activities, as well to strengthen their self-esteem. These goals contribute to their psycho-social development and acquisition of basic skills.
With these information and awareness actions, with this documentary and every future projection of the specific project, the aim is to inform the public on issues of equality, diversity, racism and human rights.
By following the Mobile School’s trip to the camps of Northern Greece, I met the people behind the program and saw their work touching the hearts of Roma children who live excluded from education. With this film I tried to capture the emotional impact of the project on the children, but also on the team of the Ladies’ Union of Drama, who with their dedication reinforce the belief that education can define a child’s life and create a more inclusive tomorrow.
Lucas Paleocrassas
Direction / Screenplay: Lucas Paleocrassas
Cinematography: Carlos Muñoz
Editing: Yiorgos Georgopoulos
Location sound: Aris Kafentzis
Research/ Production management: George Perrakis
Production Run: Anemon Productions
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